Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Quest for the 47th State

I was using a new app on Facebook where you enter in all the places you have been. At the end of entering all the cities in all the states I have visited I realized I had been in 46 of the 48 continental United States (no Alaska or Hawaii). The missing two are New Mexico and Oregon.

Well the conclusion was obvious. Bucket list > Check off those last 4 States!

And not too many seconds later it occured to me that Route 66 goes to New Mexico > Road Trip!

So, this is a blog about that trip. After all, isn't that what everyone is doing these days?

Oh, and what's all this about the 47th State? Well, it's my 47th State, but New Mexico was also the 47th State admitted to the Union. Can you say 'destiny'?

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